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People who demonstrate a sense of well-being possess nine essential characteristics: balance, resilience, contentment, goal setting, flexibility, self-confidence, support, gratitude and connection. Back2Basics views addiction as a whole-person crisis, building those characteristics into every aspect of the experience to strengthen the well-being and enhance the overall sense of self of every client.
This whole-person approach of addressing the mind and body as one is purposefully embedded in the fibers and the fabric of each day, because we are acutely aware that the effects reach well beyond our front door.
The daily residential schedule provides a holistic approach to recovery to rehabilitate the addicted brain. This schedule begins with an early rise, getting the body acclimated to waking consistently and efficiently every day, followed by time in the gym, supporting physical stimulation and strength, and nutritional recovery, building a healthy body and fueling the mind. This method provides a consistent pattern for both mind and body: work followed by nourishment.
In fact, Back2Basics views food, its preparation and consumption, as an opportunity to teach independence, cooperation and interaction with others on the road to well-being. Back2Basics understands that nourishing the body is a powerful recovery tool and emphasizes this with culinary classes that teach these young men how to choose the right foods, understand their nutritional content and prepare meals on their own.
All meals are followed by another essential part of the Back2Basic program: clean-up. This is a basic skill lost in addiction. The program sets high expectations when it comes to clients keeping their bodies and environment clean: learning to maintain an orderly and clean living space.
In addition, clients are tasked with scheduling time for a job that benefits the living environment of the group as a whole and given instructions and support to ensure they are able to complete the task properly. This may seem insignificant to some, but I assure you, as a method of recovery, it is not. Through the successful completion of everyday tasks that contribute to the greater good