One of the most critical measurements of treatment success begins the day individuals step foot out our doors and are faced with the question, “O.K. Now what?”.
Our life skill building is designed to help individuals discover their unique and purposeful place in the world. To this end, residents will be coached in life skills and the habituation of the lifelong pursuit of character development. Our holistic approach stresses green-minded, productive lifestyles and vocations in which the symbiotic relationship with the environment, the community and economic realities are practiced.
Back2Basics provides the support and guidance needed to avoid falling into the pitfalls of old habits and behaviors. We strive to equip our residents with the tools and purposeful goals necessary to carve out productive and satisfying lives in the world beyond our doors – a world in which success is measured in years and lifetimes of sobriety. The joy of witnessing long-term sobriety and highly functioning members of society is our greatest reward.
For individuals who are in drug and alcohol recovery it can be difficult to maintain a job due to their previous history which may be marred with poor work performance or worse yet, a criminal background. This holds true for individuals who don’t have a job, are desperately seeking employment and trying to maintain a stable life in recovery. There are not many employers willing to risk giving a recovering drug addict or alcoholic with an unstable past, a chance, but that’s where a new a new company, RetrofitCareers comes in to specifically help these individuals. Their mission? “To help those with substance abuse find and sustain a Work/Life balance in successful recovery.”
For Back2Basics residents transitioning back into ‘real life’ from either our Back2Basics program or our Beyond the Basics program, and looking for an opportunity to get back out into the job market, they can visit the RetrofitCareers job portal to view current opportunities with employers willing to help them achieve Work/Life Balance so they can maintain long-term sobriety. With Back2Basics laying the groundwork for successful sober living, companies like RetrofitCareers can be a great action step to take and to cement recovery with an employer who understands recovery and willing to our residents.