Dear Back2Basics Families,
Friday we had a meeting before we started packing for our outdoor trip to Indian Maiden Falls. After we packed our hiking bags the staff took us to the gym before we left for our trip. When we got back from the gym we loaded our bags into the van and we headed towards the falls. It was an hour drive to get to our destination.
Once we arrived it was about three o’clock in the afternoon. We unloaded our bags from the vans and made sure we packed enough water for our hike into the falls. It was about a quarter-mile walk before we got to the actual trail, then the real challenge started. It was all downhill into a deep canyon. A few guys were ahead and a couple of guys were in the back it was about a two-mile hike down this rocky trail until we arrived at our first campsite. At 7pm everyone set up their tents and sleeping bags, started fires and cooked their dinners. Around nine thirty we headed to bed. Everybody was tired and needed to get rest for the next morning to the falls.
Saturday morning we packed our gear and headed upstream to the falls. It was a three-mile hike to get to the falls and it took three hours which was long and hot but once we got there it was beautiful and worth it because the water was nice and refreshing. Some guys jumped off the falls and others unpacked their gear. We set up our tents and sleeping bags and started making dinner after our long day hiking. Around 7pm after we were done eating we had an outdoor meeting for the group of guys that made them feel better about the trip. We headed to our tents and sleeping bags to get some rest for the hike out the next day because we knew it was going to be difficult.
Sunday morning we woke up earlier than the previous day to get an early start down the rocky river to the beginning of the canyon where we camped the first night. The guys were moving at a good pace on the way down the river. It was three miles from the falls to the base of the canyon. Once we got there we took a quick break for some lunch and a quick dip into the water before we headed back up this steep trail to the van. When we were done with lunch we packed up and headed up this difficult trail a couple of guys wanted to test themselves and go a little faster than usual and some stayed behind to pace themselves. This trial was very hard for the group because of how steep it was but everyone pushed one another and we all made it safe and sound in an hour and forty minutes. When we arrived to the van we loaded up and headed back to Flagstaff. On the ride back everyone was exhausted and a couple of the guys took naps. It was about an hour drive back to Flagstaff and the guys were rewarded with some tasty burgers and salty fries from Mcdonalds, also the guys got some delicious ice cream after they were finished with their meals. When we were done eating we got back in the van and made our way back to the B2B hunter house. When we arrived it was about 4pm. The guys jumped out, got their things out the van and headed into the house to shower and freshen up to relax and watch some tv for the rest of the afternoon. The trip was a great experience for the guys and we enjoyed every moment. All in all, it was a great trip.
With Love,
B2B Boys