I have been told since day one to trust the clients and staff. To be honest about my feelings and emotions. Those were all big plates to swallow as an addict. For the first few weeks I didn’t think I even had feelings and emotions. It was work to even have surface level relationships with people. My go to coping mechanisms were always to isolate. As time has gone on, I’ve slowly started figuring out who I was and having emotions. It started rough and has been rough to this day with my anger issues but my coping mechanisms have broadened. I actually want to talk to people when I am going through a rough time with emotions. I know that others have had to deal with the same things so they can relate to what I’m going through. It makes me feel a lot better and has allowed me to get a lot closer with people. I can honestly say that for the first time I have real friends who care for me and vice versa. I am excited about the friendships I’ve made and plan to continue well into my sobriety. The community and friendships made here are one of the greatest aspects of this community. I am very thankful to B2B and the Flag AA community as a whole.

Client Journal by Jay Z