Over the last six months I have had the opportunity to intern with the outdoor adventures program at Back2Basics. I have always loved the outdoors, growing up in Florida I went to the ocean almost daily. Since moving to Flagstaff the mountains and wilderness have become my new sanctuary. Working as an outdoor intern gave me a very unique and valuable experience of learning about logistics and planning that goes into executing a multi-day backpacking trip for a large group of people. It also gave me the opportunity to work with and help other clients that have the same struggles that I have.
Being active in the outdoors has had a significant impact on my sobriety! A common misconception and struggle for new clients is that sobriety is boring. Being able to get excited about the outdoors and watching new clients get excited about the outdoors has been a gift to me. It was also very special for me to get to intern under the outdoor guides Aaron and Zach, both who are in recovery and avid outdoorsmen. They are great examples of young men in recovery and each have a unique style of dealing with situations and connecting with clients. I was able to learn a lot from them while working in the outdoors.
For the last ten years of my life I have worked in the restaurant industry. I have always wanted to pursue something more inline with my lifestyle and the outdoor internship has been that stepping stone into a new field of work for me. During the internship I was able to complete my Wilderness First Responder certification which has now sparked my interest in EMT training and other certifications. The internship has given me the confidence to branch out of my comfort zone and try new things. Now that the internship has ended I have decided to stay in the outdoor world and will be starting a new job as a field guide for another wilderness therapy program. This opportunity would not have been available to me without the experiences and tools that I have gained through the internship at Back2Basics.
Client Journal from Mike M.