by Back To Basics Addiction Treatment | Jul 19, 2018 | B2B Client Journals, B2B Outdoor Adventures, General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education, Therapy And Counseling
This last weekend we went to White Mountain National Forest in Arizona, I was Trip Leader for this trip; I was concerned but it would end up being a difficult trip for me. The first day of the trip we all went on a short hike after learning about how to be as safe as...
by Back To Basics Addiction Treatment | Apr 28, 2018 | B2B Client Journals, General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education
Coming to Back2Basics, I thought I was only coming here to get sober. I had a serious opioid addiction and it swept, life as I knew it, right from under my feet. I started out with a great job, a family that cared about me, a nice car, and lots of contentment....
by Back To Basics Addiction Treatment | Aug 11, 2017 | General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education
Tying knots has always been something I have been fascinated by. When someone has just the right knot for the job it is a really cool thing to watch. I learned how to tie a bowline when I was really young during my first rock climbing/rappelling experience. However I...
by Back To Basics Addiction Treatment | Jun 16, 2017 | General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education
I was very excited for this trip yet I was a little nervous. I was anxious because I never had any one-on-one experience with Roy. Aaron and I don’t really know each other that well so it felt as though I would be the outsider. Then I found out Zach was coming...
by Back To Basics Addiction Treatment | Jun 1, 2017 | B2B Outdoor Adventures, General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education
Three plus one equals the days spent on the trail this past weekend! The plus one proved necessary due to the six-hour drive south to another of Arizona’s beautiful canyons, Aravaipa. Even the desert cannot contain the overflowing power of water, which in this...
by B2B Resident Journal | Jul 2, 2016 | B2B Client Journals, General B2B Blog, Life Skills And Education, Sobriety And Recovery, Therapy And Counseling
When it comes to self will I now know there is right kind and a wrong kind. I have run on self will pretty much my entire life. Growing up being a four sport athlete for thirteen years I was taught to never surrender. I was taught that when you surrender you are weak...