Back2Basics Sober Living is helping addicts come out of addiction and putting them back in to the classroom.

palm trees in arizona

Joshua Tree National Park is located in Southern California.  It is an interesting place because the Colorado and Mojave deserts intersect at Joshua Tree, so it creates a rather unique ecosystem.  It is definitely a place I never thought I would visit, but I am glad that I had the opportunity to camp and hike there.  Because Joshua Tree is located in the desert, a lot of the plants and animals that are not common, are found here.  I think it is rather interesting here.  The unique factors of the environment have created plants and animals that have adapted really well to the harsh temperatures.  While at the visitor center here in Joshua Tree, I was able to learn about the different adaptations found in the animals that live here.  For instance, I learned that the kangaroo rat has specialized kidneys that make it so that the rat never has to take a drink of water.  It can get all of its hydration from the food it eats.  The evolutionary adaptations of the plants and animals in this harsh environment remind me of how life can flourish even in the most unforgiving climates.  It also reminds me a little of myself.  Over the years, I have developed coping skills to adapt to periods of my life that were overwhelming and difficult.” B2B Client

rock climbing young men
“The outdoor experience for me was an absolute joy!  I found it very conducive to my recovery.  For the most part, I have been a city boy, I enjoy outdoor activities, like golf, surfing, and snowboarding, but never hiking.  I really found hiking to be beneficial in many ways.  For instance, it gave me confidence, and the provided me with the ability to survive outdoors, if necessary.  The outdoor aspect has done wonders for me. It gave me alternative ideas for vacations and positive activities to do with my free time. It has also really helped me stay in the now, and to not worry about the future.  It just doesn’t matter when I’m out here, and for that I am grateful. “ B2B Client  
joshua tree
“Joshua Tree is a beautiful place which is located just outside of Palm Springs, in the Indio National Forest.  The rocks here are mostly granite and great for bouldering and rock climbing.  The actual Joshua Tree is a twisted, spiked tree, which really looks like it belongs on another planet.  The Joshua Tree is also known as Yucca Brevifolia, which is a member of the agave family.  The Joshua Tree is a really good indication that you are in the Mojave Desert.  Legend has said that the Joshua Tree was named after the Mormon biblical figure Joshua.  There is also much wildlife out here in Joshua Tree.  For instance the Kangaroo rat, which is only found in the Mojave Desert.  It actually doesn’t need water.  It eats stems and has a special kind of kidney system which enables it to retain water.  It also doesn’t sweat or even pant like a dog would.  When it is frightened or scared,  it will get up on its hind legs and jump like a kangaroo.  Joshua Tree is a very important part of the Mojave Desert Ecosystem. Providing a habitat for a number of birds and other reptiles.  Such as the sidewinder, which leaves an S trail behind it.  Also what can be found there are other rattlesnakes and many mammals and various insects.  Joshua Tree is a definite place of beauty and should be enjoyed by all.” B2B Client
sunset in arizona
“I believe the outdoor adventure component is important to my recovery because it is teaching me a number of life skills which have been hard for me to learn in the past.  After you take away most of the comforts, which I have spent my whole life taking for granted, you’re left with a building block for humility and gratitude.  For example, when we leave to go on trips, with nothing more than what we carry, life gets pretty simple.  I have learned to appreciate simple things like a bed to sleep in or the company I am with.  When we go on hikes, it is very cool to see just how far I can exert myself without breaking down.  For me the Outdoor Adventure program has given me a sense of pride that I can push myself to be better, no matter how hard it seems or how much I don’t want to and for that, I am grateful.” B2B Client