Frequently Asked  Questions

Let Us Help You Make The Right Decision

We want to help you make the right decision in selecting Back2Basics for you and for us, to ensure the best possible solution. Please feel free to review the frequently asked questions we have received below and if you have more questions we would be happy to talk to you privately. Simply email or call us at the information provide below the FAQ section to reach out and schedule a call.

Why choose Back2Basics over other young adult male treatment programs?
Back2Basics is the national’s leading outdoor adventure recovery program for young adult men struggling with addiction. Since 2010, Back2Basics has been revolutionizing outdoor adventure treatment and recovery to help young men on their path toward healthy, sustainable independence and long-term sober living. Our clients are assessed to fit our specific program, culture and demographics so that we create a cohesive and supportive group environment. Our program is not a ‘one size fits all’ but rather an immersion treatment program centered on three key elements: Therapeutic Counseling, Outdoor Adventure Recovery and Client Program. These three elements combined support the individual through rehabilitation, recovery and developing new healthy habits that will sustain him in ‘real life’.
What is the average age of and what are the most common struggles for a Back2Basics client?
Our program is designed specifically for males between the ages of 18-35 years old only. Common struggles that our clients share is at various times in their individual journey include:

  • Impulsive behavior is acting prematurely with out foresight. Rapid and unplanned reactions to either internal or external stimuli without regard to negative consequences.
  • Compulsive behavior, refers to repetitive behaviors that are performed. Repeating the same acts often with undesirable consequences.
  • Nonconformity and priding themselves on being different and ‘individual’.
  • Stress is pretty consistent across the board with our clients. They have a hard time dealing with stress which leads to using as a way to cope.
  • Low Self-Esteem and feeling in adequate leading to depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, shyness, etc.
  • Entitlement and instant gratification or fulfillment right away. They want it now and have little to no patience.
  • Denial is a strong common denominator that is at the core of every addict and the first item they have to come to terms with in learning to live life on life’s terms
What is your success rate?
Many addiction treatment programs present success rates of clients who have gone through and completed their program. They use this typically in their marketing collateral as a bench mark to sway potential clients and decision makers into choosing their program.

At Back2Basics we prefer to be transparent about our program and our success rate. When it comes to addiction, success is not measured based on attending and completing a program within a specific time frame, but rather living your life sober-free long after you attend any program. At Back2Basics, our program is based on working with clients in a residential environment and on an individual basis while utilizing therapeutic counseling combined with outdoor adventure therapy as the foundation for on-going change and stepping them through recovery phases to find balance so they can gradually get back into ‘real life’.

Our success rate is measured in the countless testimonials from our clients and their families that continue to come in even years after attending Back2Basics.  (See Testimonials)

Is Insurance or Financing provided?

Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery is a ‘private-pay’ recovery center and we also accept insurance. We are happy to strategize the best solution for you, please contact us  Additionally, there are various financing companies in the healthcare industry that will provide financial assistance. Back2Basics is not affiliated with any financial company, however we will be happy to share our resources and discuss these options with you privately.

What will my son do in his free-time?
We provide for a healthy yet structured schedule and living environment that does include free time. (See our Weekly Schedule). The schedule of events and activities is comprised of individual and group therapy, fitness, nutrition, 12-step meetings, work hours, outdoor adventure therapy trips, meals and personal time for mediation, laundry, etc.

In this active schedule the clients will have moments to relax and recharge in between activities. However, we keep the ‘down time’ limited in order to get our clients in the habit of living active and productive lifestyles. Most of the free time is for the clients to connect and enjoy their time with each other. Going through long-term treatment is opportunity for our clients to build healthy relationships with other young men who understand and support them through their journey to sobriety.

Are clients allowed to use drugs and alcohol?
The clients are not permitted to use drugs and/or alcohol throughout their stay at Back2Basics. It is an important aspect of our program that our clients learn how to develop themselves as individuals without the crutch that drugs and alcohol has provided them throughout their stay. Back2Basics is a firm believer in total abstinence from substance use and also the process of personal development that can occur when substances are removed from the situation.
Will my loved one be able to continue schooling?
We believe education is one of the cornerstones to becoming a productive, sober adult. Back2Basics clients have the option of completing their degree at local Northern Arizona University or Coconino Community College. For more questions regarding higher education within the program please give us a call.
Can Back2Basics Accommodate Court-Ordered Needs?
Our admissions specialist can assist with court-ordered stipulations. After we have gone through the admission process, our assessment and admissions team will be able to contact the probation officer or court to adhere the court mandates.
How do you make my son show up for sessions, do the work, school work, or get a job?
The client’s therapy sessions are held on-site at the Back2Basics campus. Their appointments are written into the daily schedule which is available to them on display in the home. In addition, staff are present to ensure that our clients are aware of these appointments and that they are in attendance.

At Beyond the Basics we maintain a consistent dialogue with our clients regarding their appointments, school work, and employment schedule. As staff we are available to the clients at all times to help them stay organized and on time for all of their responsibilities. For those on the education path we work with our clients to teach them healthy study habits, time management, in addition to, feedback on their assignments when necessary.

Can my son have visitors or travel?
Within the initial six month outdoor program visits are typically only permitted for the client’s immediate family. These are usually scheduled during our parent weekends which involve family therapy, educational groups, and a pass out with the family. It is important at B2B for the client and the family to set an intention for any visit as the process of strengthening the family to be as supportive to the client for their success.

In Beyond the Basics family and visitors are permitted as long as the clients has presented staff with a proposal with adequate notice. The details of the proposal briefly detail who is visiting, when they are visiting, and whether an overnight pass is necessary or not.

We Can Help

Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery offers mental health and/or substance abuse residential treatment for men and accepts insurance or private pay. Back2Basics Outdoors Adventures uniquely combines Intensive Therapeutic Counseling, Outdoor Adventures and Residential Individual & Group Treatment to provide the best possible route to achieve long-term results.


Contact Us Directly


Flagstaff, Arizona
P: (928) 814-2220
F: (928) 774-4126
Office Hours: Open 24-Hours

Center for Treatment Services :
1600 W University Ave Suite 205, Flagstaff AZ 86001

As Seen In:

Meeting the highest standards for Addiction Treatment