Therapeutic Counseling Methods

Integrative Therapeutic Counseling

Back2Basics Outdoor Adventures uses individual and group therapeutic counseling, 12-step meetings and community service to promote a well rounded, sober lifestyle. Each individual and group session is led by a licensed therapist and clinically supervised master’s-level counselors. Clients will be led by the same therapist(s), throughout his entire stay at Back2Basics.

The photo above illustrates one of our Community Service components integrated into Therapy. A Back2Basics client is sharing his journey with a class at Northern Arizona University.

Back2Basics General Therapeutic Process

We often begin with a process inventory of the history of substance abuse, how the use has effected the individual and others, painful memories and the emotional imprints of guilt and shame. This initial “story telling” can take any where from a month to all the way through the entire stay. This process lends itself explore the possible underlying causes and conditions of substance abuse. We really encourage self-awareness of those aspects of personality that coexist with addiction.

All therapeutic work is Client Centered. These are possible techniques, interventions and tools a client at Back to Basics may develop:

Back2Basics Outdoor Recovery Grand Canyon Changing Lives
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Communication and Problem solving skills
  • Affirmative thinking
  • Interactive feedback
  • Exploration of emotions
  • Interpersonal resolutions
  • Cognitive reframing
  • Exploration of coping patterns
  • Supportive reflection
  • Social skills building
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle
  • Encouragement of healthy relationships
  • Repairing family wounds


  • Role playing
  • Art and creative therapies
  • Relaxation and breath techniques for emotional regulation
  • Guided imagery for self calming
  • Compassionate thinking to increase positive views towards self and others
Therapeutic work occurs in group settings with a team of passionate clinicians, as well as weekly individual sessions and as directed Family Therapy.

Multi-Dimensional Therapy

Therapy Group Chair Circle

Adventure Therapy

The power of the great outdoors alongside psychological treatment challenges individuals in building confidence, processing emotions, and developing problem-solving skills. Clients will learn how to manage real-life issues that can arise by connecting these experiences.

Therapy Group Chair Circle

Group Therapy

It is best to use the “power of the group” (group involvement) for interventions such as confrontation on specific individual issues, peer pressure, modeling by other members, and personal non-sexual connections. Group therapy is integral to the Back2Basics program.

Therapy with Individual

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions can be used to sort out issues within a trusted, non-threatening atmosphere. Individual therapy sessions can also be used to deal with very personal issues. Issues addressed during individual sessions are frequently taken to group, at the individuals discretion.

Back2Basics is now accepting most private health insurance plans. To have your insurance benefits verified, you’ll needs to first fill out an admissions form.

Extended Therapy

Therapy 12 Steps

12-Step Meetings

Common topics would include: individual issues, sobriety, the 12 Steps, defenses, PAW (post acute withdrawal), prevention and signs of relapse, coping skills, spirituality, honesty, self-care and balance. The primary purpose of what we do at Back2Basics is to support a well-rounded, sober lifestyle including daily 12-step meetings and physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. This generally involves a major shift in attitude and lifestyle and requires considerable support by a 12 step community, sponsors, groups, and therapists.

Therapy and Community Service

Community Service

Clients participate in community service activities as a method of therapy for recovery. Community service promotes social responsibility and assists in the progress of a sober lifestyle.

Therapy Testing Chemistry

Sobriety Checks

To support the recovery process and ensure the wellness of all the clients, Back2Basics administers frequent urine analyses. Relapse can often be part of recovery, however, continued relapse cannot be tolerated for that reason. Continued, health-driven sobriety of each client is our primary goal.

Experience the change with therapeutic counseling.

We Can Help

Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery offers mental health and/or substance abuse residential treatment for men and accepts insurance or “private pay”. Back2Basics Outdoors Adventures uniquely combines Intensive Therapeutic Counseling, Outdoor Adventures and Residential Individual & Group Treatment to provide the best possible route to achieve long-term results.


Contact Us Directly


Flagstaff, Arizona
P: (928) 814-2220
F: (928) 774-4126
Office Hours: Open 24-Hours

Center for Treatment Services :
1600 W University Ave Suite 205, Flagstaff AZ 86001

As Seen In:

Meeting the highest standards for Addiction Treatment