Culinary & Nutrition

Our Culinary Program

In order to help people recover, it is important to understand the impact of nutrition. Back2Basics clients are fed healthy to become healthy. They learn about the role nutrition plays with their recovery and how to maintain a healthy diet. The Back2Basics clients will work as a kitchen team and rotate purchasing, planning, and cooking for their residences.

Chopping Culinary Addiction
Onion Culinary Addiction

Back2Basics Clients Will Learn…

Culinary programs have been praised for their therapeutic application in addiction recovery. It gives our clients not only something to do with their hands and minds, but it engages their creative thinking skills on a very personal level and gives them a life-long skill they can utilize to staying healthy.

Here are some of the skills our clients will learn:

  • How to prepare their own healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals
  • Practice sanitation
  • Implement nutrition knowledge
  • Plan menus
  • Learn different cooking skills
  • Learn knife skills
  • Learn proper cooking methods

The Back2Basics Culinary Program Includes

Healthy Food… Health Living. At Back2Basics we also teach skills that can help our clients not only as they volunteer and provide service at food pantries, but also skills that can help them secure work in restaurants, hotels, etc.

Here are more extended skills we include within the Culinary Program:

  • Food Production Classes
  • Health and Sanitation
  • Purchasing
  • Restaurant Management
  • Dining Room Presentation/Catering Services
  • Menu Planning
  • Kitchen Management
Culinary Produce Addiction
Food Bank Culinary Pink Shirt

Diet and Nutrition in Recovery

Addicts are malnourished

Addicts experience a sense of fullness having eaten very little or nothing due to “empty calories” of alcohol or drug side effects. Alcohol and drugs also keep the body from properly absorbing and breaking down nutrients and expelling toxins. All this leads to poor eating habits, malnutrition, and a host of health problems.

Restoring addicts to physical health

The essence of addiction recovery is changing negative behaviors into positive ones. Learning to make healthy food choices is important to achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Addicts have a special need for foods that are high in nutrients to rebuild damaged tissues, organs, and regain appropriate functioning of the various systems such as the nervous and gastrointestinal systems.

Nutrition impacts cravings for drugs and alcohol

Newly recovering addicts struggle with cravings to use alcohol and drugs. Research has shown that a diet with the right types of high protein and high carbohydrate-rich foods can make a big difference.

Alcohol and drug use prevents the body from properly processing important amino acids that are essential for emotional stability, mental clarity, and a general state of well-being.

At Back2Basics, we implement a diet rich in these amino acids and reduce foods (such as sugar and caffeine) that can contribute to mood swings

Commit to better health today!

We Can Help

Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery offers mental health and/or substance abuse residential treatment for men and accepts insurance or “private pay”. Back2Basics Outdoors Adventures uniquely combines Intensive Therapeutic Counseling, Outdoor Adventures and Residential Individual & Group Treatment to provide the best possible route to achieve long-term results.


Contact Us Directly


Flagstaff, Arizona
P: (928) 814-2220
F: (928) 774-4126
Office Hours: Open 24-Hours

Center for Treatment Services :
1600 W University Ave Suite 205, Flagstaff AZ 86001

As Seen In:

Meeting the highest standards for Addiction Treatment